SEC NRS takes active part in the activity of the WWER Forum, which was established in 1993 with the purpose to foster enhancement of the nuclear safety and radiation protection in the interested countries through utilization of the collective experience, information exchange and consolidation of efforts of the national nuclear safety authorities to study safety problems and improve regulatory policies and practices. The current members of the Forum are heads of the regulatory authorities of Armenia, Bulgaria, Hungary, Russia, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Finland, Ukraine, India, Iran and China. Representatives of Germany and the IAEA take part in the Forum as observers. At the Forum meetings, the heads of the delegation report on issues of nuclear and radiation safety regulation in their countries and discuss safety significant events that might have occurred at the WWER NPPs.

In 2014 SEC NRS participated in the meeting of the WWER Forum Probabilistic Safety Assessment (PSA) Working Group, which was devoted to drafting of PSA WG plans for the period 2014-2017, where SEC NRS representative gave a presentation on the topic “Application of PSA for NPP Nuclear Safety”, and in the meeting of the Reactor Physics Working Group (RPWG) with a view to identify the areas of work and develop the WG plan for the period of 2015-2016.

On September 25 – 26, 2014 SEC NRS hosted the first meeting of the Reactor Physics Working Group in frames of the WWER Forum, in the course of which the participants specified the streams of work and discussed the WG plan for the years 2015-2016.

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