Scientific and Technical Council


Seminar of Professor S.L. Soloviev on topic “Remaining Challenges. Safety Analysis of Nuclear Power Plants” was held in SEC NRS

On May 12, 2015 the Conference hall of SEC NRS hosted the seminar given by Professor S.L. Soloviev (OJSC VNIIAES) on topic: “Remaining Challenges. Safety Analysis of Nuclear Power Plants”.

S.L. Soloviev is one of the most authoritative members of the Expert Council on software certification established under the aegis of Rostechnadzor. He is the leader of the Expert Council subpanel on thermo-hydraulic codes review.

Definitely, this subpanel experience shaped the basis for analysis in respect to the number of important challenges and some of them urgently need solutions. The seminar addressed the current problems concerned with NPPs’ safety justification (thermo-physical aspects). 

Presentation made by S.L. Soloviev prompted extensive discussions that resulted in proposals from the leading specialists of SEC NRS on preparation of the similar detailed scientific summary reports in relation to the other scientific directions of safety justification: neutronic and strength calculations, issues concerned with radiation protection.

The view has been expressed that based on the information presented, Professor S.L. Soloviev should prepare an article to be published in Scientific and Practice Periodical “Nuclear and Radiation Safety”.

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Scientific and Technical Council of SEC NRS is considered to be the permanent advisory body, which includes its Chairman (SEC NRS Director), Deputy Chairmen (Deputy Directors), Scientific Secretary, members of STC (regular members) and Council of Elders – the honorable members of STC from among scientific workers who have made significant contribution to the development of the main directions of SEC NRS activity.

Basic tasks of Scientific and Technical Council:

  • shaping of scientific and engineering policy of SEC NRS;
  • improvement of effectiveness and scientific level of works under implementation by SEC NRS;
  • R&D activities directions-finding, formulation of proposals for their fulfillment;
  • coordination of activities between SEC NRS subdivisions ;
  • assessment of achievements within R&D finalized.

In accordance with basic tasks of STC, it summarizes and analyses domestic and international experience in nuclear and radiation safety regulation, makes recommendations for its enhancement and advance; addresses issues and makes proposals in respect to the directions of SEC NRS activities including compilation, analysis and dissimilation of scientific experience and knowledge in the field of nuclear and radiation safety regulation.

Consequently, Scientific and Technical Council is considered to be as the biggest internal platform for scientific discussions regarding agenda issues.


Rostechnadzor experts obtain the data released by SEC NRS through a special procedure .


Quarterly scientific and practical magazine
«Nuclear and Radiation Safety»