Professional development

In compliance with corresponding license issued by the Federal Service of Supervision in the Sphere of Education and Science (Rosobrnadzor), SEC NRS is granted with the right to perform educational activity within the frames of additional professional education “Regulation of Safety in the Use of Atomic Energy” (staff professional improvement, retraining, on-the-job-training) within the standard period of training up to 500 hours.

Since 2008 SEC NRS is commissioned to solve the task on maintenance and improvement of qualification level of the regulatory authority specialists, and aiming to provide such training the following series of lectures and training modules were developed:

  1. Fundamentals of safety regulation in the use of atomic energy.
  2. Regulatory practice.
  3. Safety regulation of nuclear research installations.
  4. Safety regulation of nuclear installations of ships.
  5. Regulation of NPP units’ lifetime extension.
  6. “Leak before break for NPP pipelines” safety concept: specific features of its application.
  7. Information system of the regulatory authority RAIS 3.0. Safety ensuring at radioactive sources operation.
  8. NPP Probabilistic Safety Analysis. General information.
  9. Evaluation of stability of NPP building structures in the event of extreme impacts.
  10. Optimization of supervision over radioactive sources safety based on the regulatory authority-level information system RAIS 3.0.
  11. Level 1 of Probabilistic Safety Analysis.
  12. Review and certification of software used for calculation and safety analysis in the field of use of atomic energy.

There are premises and appropriate equipment in SEC NRS for group training (of 10-20 trainees maximum); there is a specially equipped room for up to 100 trainees and sufficient number of computers to be used within the educational process.


Rostechnadzor experts obtain the data released by SEC NRS through a special procedure .


Quarterly scientific and practical magazine
«Nuclear and Radiation Safety»