Scheduled meeting of Scientific and Technical Council of SEC NRS was heldThe issues considered
On the first issueHaving heard and discussed the presentation made by Valerij V. Bochkarev, (Head of Radiation Safety Division) concerning the activities carried out during the first stage of research and development work “Scientific and methodological assistance to implementation of the Federal Target Programme “Nuclear and Radiation Safety in 2016–2020 and until 2030” for preparation to and implementation of decommissioning of facilities of nuclear legacy and on management with special radioactive waste” with the purpose to ensure the implementation of work “ Preparation and practical application in the course of nuclear and radiation hazardous facilities decommissioning of new and highly effective technologies” and after speaking in debates, STC has noted thatUnder the frames of research and development work “Scientific and methodological assistance to implementation of the Federal Target Programme “Nuclear and Radiation Safety in 2016–2020 and until 2030” for preparation to and implementation of decommissioning of facilities of nuclear legacy and on management with special radioactive waste” with the purpose to ensure the implementation of work “Preparation and practical application in the course of nuclear and radiation hazardous facilities decommissioning of new and highly effective technologies”, the development of three documents (Safety Guidelines) is to be completed; these documents shall present the requirements regarding:
Analysis of provisions from international conventions, agreements, legislation and regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation along with the IAEA standards and guidelines and analysis of national and foreign experience for the further development of the abovementioned Safety Guides was the purpose of the first stage of research and development work. In activities covered by the first direction there was carried out analysis of the abovementioned documents related to maintaining the required level of the technical condition of equipment; preparation of prognosis regarding the condition of systems (elements), structures and building structures of a nuclear facility at the moment of its shutdown for further decommissioning; preconditions for the possibility to reduce the scope of maintenance as well as national and international experience in respect to the above-listed aspects. Aspects concerned with separation of systems (elements), structures and building structures of a nuclear facility into groups depending on their application within different stages of preparation to and implementation of decommissioning have been reviewed; determination of the required level of maintenance for every group has been examined. There have been developed proposals in respect to the general provisions subject to introduction into safety guideline, which presents recommendations on accounting of changes in operation conditions of equipment, systems and elements of a shutdown nuclear facility while determining the possibility to reduce the scope of maintenance activities and introducing the corresponding amendments into operating documentation of a nuclear facility, including, with regard to:
Analysis of provisions from international conventions, agreements, legislation and regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation along with the IAEA standards and guidelines regarding the selection of options for decommissioning of a nuclear facility, justification of the decommissioning option selected, specific features of justification of the decommissioning following the option ‘disposal’ was carried out in the course of activities of the second direction. National and foreign experience regarding the decision-making under conditions of uncertainty, making of optimal solution of multi-objective problems when choosing one from among a number of alternatives in respect to the option of decommissioning of a nuclear facility; uncertainties influence on safety demonstration of decommissioning following the option ‘disposal’ was examined in details. Uncertainties of different types have been considered including the uncertainties of the initial data used to demonstrate the long-term safety of a nuclear facility subject to decommissioning following the option ‘disposal’. The experience accumulated in scientific studies in relation to domestic nuclear facilities subject to decommissioning following the option ‘disposal’ in correspondence with the concepts approved (industrial uranium and graphite reactors) have been examined; the principal directions of scientific studies have been established. There are developed proposals regarding fundamental provisions to be introduced into the safety guidelines , which presents recommendations on assessment of the adequacy of scientific research completed and initial data received with the purpose to demonstrate the long-term safety of a nuclear facility under decommissioning following the option ‘disposal’, including, with regard to:
Provisions from international conventions, agreements, legislation and regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation along with the IAEA standards and guidelines concerned with criteria, principles and safety requirements for storage facilities for radioactive waste accumulated, accounting of specific features for ensuring and safety demonstration of storage facilities for radioactive waste accumulated in the course of their operation and reconstruction with the purpose of their conversion into other status have been analyzed in detail under the frames of the third direction. National and international experience to carry out scientific research and works (completed or planned) on conversion of the storage facilities for the radioactive waste accumulated into safe condition has been examined. The following have been analyzed: provisions from the abovementioned documents along with the corresponding experience regarding the procedure of planning, arrangement and the specific features of safety provision and demonstration in the course of works implementation on reconstruction of storage facilities for the accumulated radioactive waste of different types/categories (surface industrial storage reservoirs for liquid radioactive waste and tailings facilities, reservoirs for storage of liquid radioactive waste, facilities for keeping of solid radioactive waste including those under decommissioning: industrial uranium-graphite reactors, peaceful nuclear explosions objects) with the purpose of their conversion into isolation facilities for special radioactive waste or facilities for disposal of radioactive waste. Proposals concerning the structure and principal provisions, which are to be presented in a Safety guideline that includes recommendations to conversion of facility for keeping special radioactive waste into the isolation facility for special radioactive waste and disposal facility for radioactive waste, including, with regard to:
In respect to the first issue, STC has decided to
On the second issueHaving heard and discussed the presentation made by Marina A. Nepejpivo, (Deputy Head of Fuel Cycle Facilities Safety Division) concerning the activities implemented on the second stage of research and development work «Analysis of national regulatory framework and the IAEA documents, development of proposals to improve requirements from regulatory documentation elaborated for conversion of nuclear and radiation hazardous facilities into safe condition with their further total disposal; creation of infrastructure for processing, storage and disposal of radioactive waste” with the purpose to ensure the implementation of work “Creation and development of technologies for processing and conditioning of radioactive waste” and after speaking in debates, STC has noted thatAssessment of maximum permissible amount (volume), the radionuclide content, specific and aggregate activity of radioactive waste kept in the storages of radioactive waste cementation complex of FSUE PO “Mayak” was carried out under the frames of the first stage of the research and development work; collection and analysis of initial data was carried out within this work frames needed to prepare prognosis of the long-term safety of the storage facility of radioactive waste of cementation complex of FSUE PO “Mayak” along with the assessment of the long-term safety of the storage facilities of radioactive waste including the development and justification of scenario, conceptual and mathematical models, carrying out of calculations based on models prepared, evaluation of maximum permissible amount (volume), the radionuclide content, specific and aggregate activity of radioactive waste kept in the storages of radioactive waste cementation complex of FSUE PO “Mayak” required for safe keeping of radioactive waste for the long-term storage or disposal in correspondence with the system of engineering and environmental barriers of safety envisaged by the project. Analysis of results collected on the first stage of the research and development work has demonstrated the necessity of their specification with taking into account the more detailed characteristics of the site of the storage facility cementation complex of FSUE PO “Mayak”. The mentioned calculations were performed in the course of the second stage of research and development work; calculations results were applied for analysis following the purpose of revealing and systematization of deficiencies of the regulatory framework in the area of radioactive waste classification depending on their disposal method. The objective of the second stage of the research and development work was focused on the analysis of international, national and domestic approaches to legal and regulatory provision of safety of ‘nuclear legacy’ objects along with the provision and demonstration of safety in the course of arrangements implementation included into the Federal Target Programme “Nuclear and Radiation Safety in 2016–2020 and until 2030” (hereinafter in the text - The Programme), including in the part of radioactive waste classification depending on the method of their disposal with the purpose to identify and systematize deficiencies of the legal and regulatory framework designed to ensure safety in the course of The Programme arrangements implementation; this analysis was performed with taking into consideration the safety review and safety assessments outcomes received in respect to radioactive waste storage facilities and facilities for radioactive waste disposal including the specified results from scientific research, which have been carried out during the first stage of research and development work in respect to the cementation complex of FSUE PO “Mayak”; this analysis took into account the specific features of works on elimination of ‘nuclear legacy’ objects following the purpose to improve the regulatory and legal framework in the field of the use of atomic energy including the introduction of amendments to the radioactive waste classification depending on the method of their disposal. Analysis of regulatory framework was carried out following the criteria of adequacy, completeness, certainty, integrity, specificity, coherence and consistency of regulatory requirements following the purpose of provision and assessment of safety of ‘nuclear legacy’ objects and (or) types of activities with taking into consideration the contemporary state of science, technology and production. Under the frames of the second stage there was carried out the examination of requirements from the legislation, regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of the use of atomic energy and protection of environment, including the Federal regulations and rules in the field of the use of atomic energy, provisions from international conventions, agreements as well as recommendations from the international organizations, national legislations and regulatory documentation of the foreign countries in the sphere of radioactive waste classification to be disposed depending on the method of their disposal following the purpose of identification and systematization of deficiencies of the regulatory legal framework in the sphere of radioactive waste classification depending on the method of their disposal; this analysis was finalized with taking into consideration the results of safety reviews and safety assessments in respect to radioactive waste storage facilities and facilities for radioactive waste disposal and activity on radioactive waste disposal with the purpose to develop proposals on specification of classification of radioactive waste to be disposed. Under the frames of this research and development work the analysis of list of arrangements envisaged by The Programme in the part of provision and demonstration of safety of ‘nuclear legacy’ objects and (or) types of activity was carried out; there were identified general arrangements , including ones on radioactive waste disposal on which there are significant risks related to the necessity of simultaneous addressing the regulatory and legal issues and engineering issues and for which there is no experience due to the unique character of ‘nuclear legacy’ objects and that is the ground for risks on these arrangements implementation delay. Preliminary examination is carried out in respect to the arrangements and types of activities identified from the point of view of the adequacy and completeness of regulatory requirements in the field of the use of atomic energy for the purposes of regulation of nuclear and radiation safety within the process of their implementation ; the areas of regulation are identified subject to development and improvement following the purposes of effective and prompt implementation of The Programme arrangements. This examination was carried out on the following directions:
The set of initial data was received as a result of scientific research completed; these data are needed for development of plan of arrangements on improvement of requirements to provision of nuclear and radiation safety in respect to the ‘nuclear legacy’ objects, including the proposals on specification of radioactive waste classification to be disposed depending on the method of their disposal. In respect to the second issue, STC has decided to
STC Deputy Chairman S. N. Bogdan;
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