Переводы документов. Translations in EnglishNP-028-16. Safety rules for decommissioning of nuclear research installationsApproved by Order of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service dated 4 April 2017 No. 108
I. Purpose and scope
1. These federal rules and regulations in the field of atomic energy use "Safety rules for decommissioning of nuclear research installations" (NP-028-16) (hereinafter - the Rules) are developed in accordance with Federal Law N 170-FZ “On atomic energy use” dated 21 November 1995, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1511 “On approval of the Regulation on development and approval of Federal rules and regulations in the field of atomic energy use” dated 1 December 1997 (Collected Acts of the Russian Federation, 1997, N 49, art. 5600; 1999, N 27, art. 3380; 2000, N 28, art. 2981; 2002, N 4, art. 325; N 44, art. 4392; 2003, N 40, art. 3899; 2005, N 23, art. 2278; 2006, N 50, art. 5346; 2007, N 14, art. 1692; N 46, art. 5583; 2008, N 15, art. 1549; 2012, N 51, art. 7203). 2. These Rules establish the requirements for administrative and technical arrangements aimed to ensure safety in the course of decommissioning of nuclear research installations (hereinafter - NRI). 3. Terms and definitions specified in the federal laws and the following federal rules and regulations in the field of atomic energy use are used for the purposes of these Rules: "General provisions of safety assurance for nuclear research installations" (NP-033-11) approved by Order of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service No. 348 dated 30 June 2011 (registered by Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on 29 August 2011; registration number No. 21700; Russian Newspaper, 2011, No. 195); "Safety assurance in the course of decommissioning of nuclear facilities. General provisions" (NP-091-14) approved by Order of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service No. 216 dated 20 May 2014 (registered by Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on 14 July 2014; registration number No. 33086; Bulletin of Federal Agency Regulations, 2014, No. 37).
II. General requirements for safe decommissioning of nuclear research installations
4. Decommissioning of nuclear research installations (hereinafter - the NRI decommissioning) shall be performed in accordance with the safety assurance principles established in NP-033-11 and NP-091-14. Administrative and technical arrangements implemented at the NRIs shall ensure the following: non-exceedance of the basic dose limits for the workers (personnel) and the public, the norms of radioactive substance (hereinafter - RS) releases (discharges) regulated by the radiation safety standards; reduction of radiation impact of the NRI decommissioning on the workers (personnel), the public and the environment to the minimum achievable level with due regard for economic and social factors; prevention of usage of any reusable materials with radioactive contamination exceeding the established levels in any economic activities. 5. The operating organization shall plan the NRI decommissioning works at the NRI operation stage on the basis of the NRI design documentation (hereinafter - the design), the NRI decommissioning concept presented in the NRI design and the NRI safety analysis report (hereinafter - the NRI SAR) and shall end up with development of the NRI decommissioning program defining the procedure, conditions and planned time limits for the basic NRI decommissioning arrangement. For NRIs commissioned prior to approval of these Rules the NRI decommissioning concept may be presented only in the NRI SAR. The NRI decommissioning concept shall contain description of the planned NRI decommissioning variant, the expected end state of the NRI site, buildings and structures, the basic measures for safety assurance in handling of radioactive waste generated in the course of the NRI decommissioning and description of the procedure for collection of any information important for safety assurance in the course of the NRI decommissioning. 6. Experience in safety assurance during decommissioning of similar NRIs as well as the following aspects shall be taken into account for selection and updating of the NRI decommissioning concept: presence (absence) of any special radioactive waste at the NRI site; assessment results with regard to potential amount of radioactive waste (hereinafter - RW); results of mitigation of any accident consequences that have taken place; conditions for final disposal, processing or long-term storage of removable radioactive waste generated in the course of the NRI decommissioning; presence of any other nuclear facilities near the NRI decommissioning site; expected exposure doses for the workers (personnel) and the public; expected radiation impact of the NRI decommissioning works on the environment; the need for development and use of new equipment; the established time limits for the NRI decommissioning; financial support of the NRI decommissioning works. 7. The operating organization shall develop and implement the Quality Assurance Program for the NRI decommissioning. 8. The operating organization shall develop and maintain the NRI decommissioning database in order to collect and store any information necessary to make reasonable decisions for safety assurance in the course of the NRI decommissioning. The requirements for the procedure of the NRI decommissioning database development and its contents are given in Appendix 1 to these Rules. 9. Preparation and performance of the NRI decommissioning shall be based on the graded approach with due regard for structural, process and operational peculiarities of the NRI and potential hazard of the NRI decommissioning works.
III. Requirements for safe decommissioning of a nuclear research installation implemented at the siting, design, construction and operation stages
10. Suitability of the NRI site for future NRI decommissioning activities shall be assessed at the NRI siting stage. It should be demonstrated in the NRI SAR that the NRI decommissioning works have been taken into account in substantiation of the NRI location possibility based on the analysis of the NRI site characteristics and external impacts of natural and human-induced origin. 11. Radiological survey of the NRI site shall be performed at the NRI siting stage and subsequent application of the obtained information in order to substantiate achievement of the planned end state of the NRI site after completion of the NRI decommissioning works shall be provided. 12. For operated NRIs the NRI decommissioning concept shall be developed with due regard for the NRI site characteristics, availability of routes and means for transportation of radioactive waste from the NRI site for storage and (or) final disposal, availability of storage areas for radioactive waste generated in the course of the NRI decommissioning. 13. The technical solutions for safety assurance in the course of the NRI commissioning provided in the NRI design shall include application of the materials in manufacturing of the NRI equipment, structures and radiation protection that ensure the following during performance of their functions: the minimum levels of activation in the course of operation; the possibility to use surveillance specimen in order to assess radiation loads on the pressure vessel, the core internals and the equipment; the possibility to use moisture-proof materials with low absorption as coatings of the concrete structures in the radiation-hazardous rooms in order to carry out decontamination; radiation safety in the course of the NRI decommissioning. 14. The NRI design shall include preliminary technical solutions and estimates related to: the list of systems and equipment required for performance of the NRI decommissioning works; acceptable techniques for decontamination and dismantling of the NRI equipment and structures in the course of the NRI decommissioning; amount (volume) and activity of radioactive waste generated in the course of the NRI decommissioning; the procedure for development, maintenance and use of the NRI decommissioning database; the radiation situation at the NRI site after completion of the NRI operation. 15. At the research reactor construction stage the operating organization shall arrange collection and systematization of data on chemical composition of the reactor equipment, structures and radiation protection materials in order to provide the possibility for assessment of induced activity in the course of operation. 16. At the NRI operation stage the operating organization shall supplement the NRI decommissioning database and adjust the NRI decommissioning concept presented in the NRI SAR with due regard for the NRI operation experience as necessary but at least once per ten years. 17. At the stage of the NRI operation in the final shutdown mode the operating organization shall remove spent nuclear fuel (hereinafter - SNF) and (or) nuclear materials (hereinafter - NM) from the NRI site, radioactive process media from the NRI equipment, systems and rooms in accordance with the technique specified in the NRI design and perform integrated engineering and radiological survey (hereinafter - the IERS). 18. In case it is impossible to remove any part of nuclear materials from the NRI site in accordance with the technique specified in the NRI design without any additional dismantling works and provided that the total mass of plutonium, uranium-233 and uranium-235 nuclides does not exceed 300 g the above-mentioned works may be performed in accordance with the NRI decommissioning design documentation.
IV. Decommissioning program for a nuclear research installation
19. The NRI decommissioning program shall be developed and approved by the operating organization prior to the IERS and updated subsequent to the IERS results. 20. The structure and contents of the NRI decommissioning program shall comply with the requirements specified in Appendix 2 to these Rules.
V. Integrated engineering and radiological survey of a nuclear research installation
21. The NRI IERS shall be carried out in accordance with the program developed and approved by the operating organization; the requirements for the structure and contents of the program are given in Appendix 3 to these Rules. 22. Subsequent to the IERS results information related to the engineering and technical conditions of the NRI buildings, structures, systems and equipment and the radiation situation in the buildings (rooms) and at the NRI site shall be obtained. The scope of information obtained in the course of the IERS and presented in the IERS report shall be sufficient to develop (adjust) the NRI decommissioning program and to develop the NRI decommissioning design documentation (hereinafter - the NRI decommissioning design).
VI. Requirements to the design documentation for decommissioning of a nuclear research installation
23. The NRI decommissioning design shall be developed on the basis of the NRI decommissioning concept and the NRI decommissioning program. 24. The NRI decommissioning design documentation shall specify: the end state and the expected scenario for further usage of the NRI site after completion of the NRI commissioning; feasibility study for the selected NRI decommissioning variant; the list of systems important for safety in the course of the NRI decommissioning; zoning of the rooms (buildings) at the NRI site within the period of the NRI decommissioning works (in accordance with the requirements of sanitary rules); technical solutions related to any modification (preservation) of the existing systems and equipment required for performance of the NRI decommissioning works; documentation for construction of additional systems and equipment, buildings and structures including additional active drainage systems, ventilation systems, dust control systems, local air aspiration systems with air treatment in aerosol filters in case of their necessity for safety of the workers (personnel) and the public; the procedure for control of physical barriers in the paths of ionizing radiation and RS propagation; the procedure for verification of operability and compliance with the design for safety-related systems in the course of the NRI decommissioning; scope, methods and equipment for dosimetric control and the radiation situation monitoring; safety assurance arrangements in the course of dismantling and decontamination works; operation modes for ventilation and active drainage systems; the list and estimated amounts of reusable materials, the planned procedure for their transfer for further use in economic activities; expected amounts (volumes) of liquid and solid radioactive waste, their activity and typical radionuclide composition; arrangements for processing and final disposal of radioactive waste; analysis results for radiation impact on the personnel, the public and the environment and substantiation of compliance with the radiation safety standards; lifetime management program for safety-related systems and components in the course of the NRI decommissioning; criteria to be used in order to confirm achievement of the end state at the NRI site. 25. The scope, methods and means of radiological control specified in the NRI decommissioning design documentation shall comply with the requirements of radiation safety standards and ensure the following: individual dosimetric monitoring for the personnel; monitoring of the radiation situation in the NRI rooms, at the site, in the sanitary-protective area and the supervised area of the NRI (if any); control of RS releases (discharges); radiological control of radioactive substances, radioactive waste and materials intended for reuse; radiological control of vehicles and materials in case of their transportation beyond the NRI site boundaries. 26. The NRI decommissioning design shall provide for usage of remotely controlled equipment in case the risk of radiation exposure for the personnel in the course of dismantling works without remotely controlled equipment exceeds the permissible values. 27. In case no development of additional equipment is required for decommissioning of critical and sub-critical test stands and the design of critical and sub-critical test stands defines all necessary arrangements for safety assurance the decommissioning works may be performed in accordance with the NRI design and the NRI decommissioning program without development of the NRI decommissioning design.
VII. Requirements for the safety analysis report for decommissioning of a nuclear research installation
28. The safety analysis report for decommissioning of a nuclear research installation (hereinafter - the NRI decommissioning SAR) shall be developed on the basis of the NRI design, the NRI decommissioning program, the NRI decommissioning design documentation and the NRI SAR. 29. It should be substantiated in the NRI decommissioning SAR that the technical solutions and administrative arrangements provided in the NRI decommissioning design documentation ensure safe performance of all stages and types of works specified in the NRI decommissioning program and the NRI decommissioning design documentation. The requirements for contents of the NRI decommissioning SAR are given in Appendix 4 to these Rules.
VIII. Safety assurance in the course of works for decommissioning of a nuclear research installation
31. The operating organization activities for the NRI decommissioning shall be carried out in accordance with the NRI decommissioning program, the NRI decommissioning design documentation and the quality assurance program in the course of the NRI decommissioning. 32. The operating organization shall ensure regular checks of operability, maintenance, repair and lifetime assessment for systems important for in the course of the NRI decommissioning. 33. The NRI decommissioning works at each particular site shall be performed in accordance with the work programs developed on the basis of the NRI decommissioning program and the NRI decommissioning design documentation with due regard for the current radiation situation at the NRI site. 34. The work programs for each particular room, building or area at the NRI site shall include a brief description of the future works and define the following: preconditions for commencement of the works, technology and sequence of the NRI decommissioning works as well as the list of necessary equipment, vehicles, mechanisms and tools; administrative and technical arrangements for safety assurance; performers of the works; permitted exposure doses for the personnel engaged in the NRI decommissioning works (hereinafter - the workers (personnel)) and permissible RS releases (discharges) into the environment in the course of particular works; the radiological control scope and the list of personal protection equipment for the personnel; the procedure for admittance to works; the procedure for documentation and acceptance of the works. 35. Prior to commencement of the NRI decommissioning works the operating organization shall: establish the procedure for admittance of the workers (personnel) to the NRI decommissioning works providing that workers (personnel) with the relevant professional skills having passed training and knowledge checking by the commission, the briefing on safe work practices and not having any medical contra-indications to works in the field of atomic energy use shall be admitted to perform the NRI decommissioning works; arrange zoning of the NRI site in accordance with the NRI decommissioning design documentation and organize restricted access of the workers (personnel) to the controlled access area, ensure review of the zoning in the course of the NRI decommissioning works upon detection of any new radiation sources and changes of the radiation situation; provide for the use of security alarm means and any other measures to prevent unauthorized access of the workers (personnel) to the controlled access area. 36. In the course of the NRI decommissioning the operating organization shall ensure: operability of systems important for safety in the course of the NRI decommissioning; safety in the course of dismantling and decontamination works; quality control for the performed works and services rendered to the operating organization; conditions for safe handling of radioactive substances and radioactive waste, physical protection, accounting and control of radioactive substances and radioactive waste generated in the course of the NRI decommissioning. 37. Physical barriers on the paths of ionizing radiation and RS propagation shall be in operable state in the course of the NRI decommissioning works and shall comply with the requirements specified in the NRI decommissioning design documentation. Dismantling of the physical barriers shall be performed in accordance with the sequence defined in the NRI decommissioning design documentation. 38. In case any nuclear materials are detected in the course of the NRI decommissioning works (in particular in radioactive waste) their characteristics (form, type, physical state, density, isotope composition) and amount shall be defined. All NM handling works shall be performed in accordance with special-purpose programs defining: nuclear safety conditions in the course of works; NM collection methods and means; NM storage places and conditions prior to their removal from the NRI site; measures for accounting, control and physical protection of nuclear materials; NM transportation conditions and means. 39. Prior to commencement of the NRI decommissioning works the operating organization shall develop the guidelines for actions of the workers (personnel) in case of any accident in the course of the NRI decommissioning defining the priority actions of the workers (personnel) aimed to maintain efficiency of physical barriers, to limit radioactive contamination of the NRI rooms and the environment as well as the actions for mitigation of the accident consequences with due regard for the list of potential accidents considered in the NRI decommissioning SAR. 40. Emergency response drills shall be held annually in order to ensure preparedness of the workers (personnel) for actions in case of any emergency situation in the course of the NRI decommissioning. The drill programs shall take into account peculiarities of the future NRI decommissioning stage and the current radiation situation at the NRI site. 41. At the final stage of the NRI commissioning the operating organization shall carry out the final examination of the NRI in order to confirm achievement of the NRI end state prescribed in the NRI decommissioning design documentation. 42. The list, priority and contents of the implemented administrative and technical arrangements in the course of the final NRI examination as well as the list of applied measuring means shall be determined in the work program approved by the chief executive officer of the operating organization. 43. The work program of the final examination shall provide for: arrangements aimed to ensure safety of the personnel in the course of the final NRI examination; preparation and performance of radiometric and spectrometric measurements in the course of the final NRI examination in order to detect and describe any ionizing radiation sources remaining at the NRI site and to assess their potential radiation impact on the humans; engineering survey of the NRI systems and equipment remaining at the NRI site, rooms, buildings and structures in case their further use within a new nuclear facility or for any other purposes is planned; documentation of the final NRI examination results. 44. Results of the final NRI examination shall be documented in the report with indication of: brief description of the NRI end state and criteria defined in the NRI decommissioning design documentation in order to confirm achievement of the NRI end state; measurement methods; results of the radiation factor measurements at the NRI; results of design estimates of the expected annual exposure doses for the public and the personnel in the course of planned future use of the NRI site; results of the basic stages of the NRI decommissioning program; substantiation of compliance with the criteria defined in the NRI decommissioning design documentation in order to confirm achievement of the NRI end state. 45. In case any non-compliance of the NRI state with the end state determined in the NRI decommissioning design documentation is detected in the course of the final NRI examination the causes and consequences of the detected non-compliance shall be specified in the report, and proposals for bringing of the NRI into compliance with the NRI decommissioning design documentation shall be provided.
Appendix 1 to Federal rules and regulations in the area of atomic energy use “Safety rules for decommissioning of nuclear research installations" approved by Order of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service dated 4 April 2017 No. 108
I. General requirements
1. In these Rules the term "the NRI decommissioning database" (hereinafter - the database) shall mean the set of independent documents containing the information important for safety assurance in the course of the NRI decommissioning and systematized in such a way so that these documents could be processed through the use of computer equipment. 2. Collection, processing and storage of the data required to ensure safe decommissioning of the NRI shall be arranged at all stages of the NRI life cycle including the NRI siting, design, construction, operation and decommissioning. The information shall be processed, accumulated and stored both in soft and hard copies or in the form of material samples (surveillance specimen, samples of structural and any other materials) at all above-mentioned stages. 3. The database shall be formed at the operation stage. 4. Contents and details of the information presented in the database shall take into account peculiarities of the NRI and its location site (area) as well as the potential radiation hazard category of the NRI. 5. The operating organization shall ensure periodic verification of the information preparation and the database maintenance. In case absence of any required information in the database is detected in the course of verification measures shall be taken to restore the missing information. 6. The operating organization shall appoint the persons responsible for entry, processing, archiving and usage of the database information. 7. In order to ensure efficient use of the database the operating organization shall arrange the database management and development of the supporting documentation defining the procedure for: selection of information for entry to the database; entry and processing of the information; controlled access to the available information; long-term storage of the available information. 8. The activities of the operating organization for arrangement and functioning of the database shall be carried out in accordance with the effective quality assurance system in the course of the NRI decommissioning. 9. The database information shall be available for any organizations engaged in the NRI decommissioning works. In case of any information for restricted use the database shall contain data on such information.
II. Contents of the database for decommissioning of a nuclear research installation
10. The following information shall be entered to the database at the NRI siting, design and construction stages: results of the NRI site surveys at the NRI siting stage with due regard for any clarifying information obtained in the course of the NRI construction, levels of external impacts considered in the stability analysis for the building structures; drawings and technical description of the NRI, buildings and structures with due regard for any introduced modifications; nominal data of the materials, systems and components; packages of documents for the NRI siting and construction licenses; annual information sheets of the operating organization on the current NRI state assessment (at the construction stage). 11. The following information shall be entered to the database at the NRI operation stage: data on any NRI operational occurrences and their consequences, failures of any systems important for safety in the course of the NRI decommissioning (power supply, ventilation, radiological control) and any other systems; results of engineering examination of buildings and structures at the NRI site (in the chronological order); data on presence and radionuclide composition of any depositions on the inner surfaces of pipelines and equipment; data on surface contamination of the equipment and rooms; data on the amount (volume), activity and radionuclide composition of liquid and solid radioactive waste accumulated at the NRI site, places and methods for their storage, processing and final disposal; data on any replacement (dismantling) of systems and components important for safety in the course of the NRI decommissioning; engineering and operation documentation for the newly developed special-purpose equipment planned for usage in the course of the NRI decommissioning; data on repairs, methods for dismantling of the old equipment and installation of the new one, application of temporary protection and any other safety assurance methods in order to use the gained experience for minimization of the personnel exposure in the course of decommissioning works; modifications introduced to the NRI design and engineering documentation; documentation for accounting and control of nuclear materials, radioactive substances and radioactive waste; documentation on the results of survey and analysis of the radiation situation at the NRI, in the sanitary-protective area and in the supervised area (if any); the IERS program; the IERS report; the NRI decommissioning program; the NRI decommissioning design documentation; obtained licenses and their conditions; the package of documents submitted to Rostechnadzor in order to obtain the decommissioning license; annual operating organization reports on assessment of nuclear and radiation safety of the NRI. 12. The following information shall be entered to the database in the course of the NRI decommissioning: time schedules of the works; reports on the performed works; radiological survey results for the site, equipment and materials; safety guidelines; dosimetric monitoring data for the workers (personnel); data on releases (discharges) of radioactive substances; information on classification of reusable materials into restricted and unrestricted use materials; annual operating organization reports on assessment of nuclear and radiation safety of the NRI; results of the final examination.
Appendix 2 to Federal rules and regulations in the area of atomic energy use “Safety rules for decommissioning of nuclear research installations" approved by Order of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service dated 4 April 2017 No. 108
1. The following chapters shall be provided in the NRI decommissioning program: Introduction; Description of the end state and the selected decommissioning variant for the nuclear research installation; Documents used to develop the decommissioning program for the nuclear research installation; Basic characteristics of the nuclear research installation; Current state of the nuclear research installation; Decommissioning of the nuclear research installation. 2. The reason and grounds for the NRI decommissioning shall be specified in the "Introduction" chapter. 3. The following shall be described in the chapter "Description of the end state and the selected decommissioning variant for the nuclear research installation": selected decommissioning variant for the NRI; the main stages of the NRI decommissioning works with indication of the planned duration for each stage and the entire set of works; the end state of the NRI after its decommissioning and the expected scenario of the future use for the NRI site. 4. The chapter "Documents used to develop the decommissioning program for the nuclear research installation" shall include the list of federal rules and regulations in the field of atomic energy use and any other regulations used to develop the NRI decommissioning program; the design, engineering and operation documentation, information from the database and records related to the NRI operation history, removal of radioactive waste and nuclear materials as well as the documents containing inspection results for the NRI equipment, building structures, buildings, structures and site shall be specified. 5. The following data shall be provided in the chapter "Basic characteristics of the nuclear research installation" based on the NRI design and operation documentation: the boundaries of the decommissioned NRI site; the list of buildings, structures and rooms where the NRI decommissioning works are to be performed; the basic design, engineering and operating characteristics of the NRI affecting safety of the NRI decommissioning; data on any operational occurrences and accidents resulting in contamination of the process equipment, the NRI rooms and site with radioactive substances; the floor plan and location of the NRI in relation to any other main process rooms and other nuclear installations (if any are present in the building); data on the existing nuclear materials, radioactive substances and radioactive waste at the NRI site, sealed radionuclide sources and their locations; the list of existing systems and equipment important for safety in the course of the NRI decommissioning as well as the list of new structures, buildings, systems and equipment necessary to ensure safety of the works. 6. The following data shall be presented in the chapter "Current state of the nuclear research installation" on the basis of the information obtained in the course of the IERS: data (in the form of maps and tables) on the radiation situation at the NRI site, in the buildings and rooms where dismantling works are to be performed and where any external or internal exposure for the personnel or radioactivity release to the environment is possible; characteristics (amount, specific activity, physical state and nuclide composition) and locations of any radioactive waste at the NRI site; RW handling techniques (applied and planned for application); the list of operation documentation to be used in the course of the NRI decommissioning and the list of operation documentation to de developed in accordance with the progress of the works. 7. The list of the planned basic NRI decommissioning works in the form of individual stages including performance of works in a particular NRI room (building), or united by the same technique, or performed simultaneously in different rooms (buildings) shall be presented in the chapter "Decommissioning of the nuclear research installation" based on the selected NRI decommissioning variant and the planned scenario for further use of the NRI site; in this case the following stages shall be provided: completion of the works for removal of nuclear materials from the NRI systems and equipment and removal of nuclear materials from the NRI site with adherence to the safety measures specified in the guidelines and nuclear safety regulations in case these works have not been performed earlier in the final shutdown mode; dismantling of non-radioactive equipment not used in the NRI decommissioning works; dismantling of the equipment which can be classified as very low level, low level and medium level in accordance with its specific activity; arrangement of safe conditions for supervised storage of the equipment which can be classified as special and high level radioactive waste in accordance with its specific activity; conversion of the special RW storage facility (if any) into the special RW preservation facility; decontamination of equipment, rooms and buildings after completion or in the course of dismantling works; the final radiological survey of the NRI site. 8. The following shall be determined for each stage of the NRI decommissioning works: preconditions for commencement of this stage of works; technique, hardware, equipment and operation documentation used in the course of works; personnel qualification requirements; expected exposure doses for the personnel, permissible RS releases to the environment; characteristics and expected amount of materials for unrestricted use, materials for restricted use and radioactive waste; arrangement of works including the necessity to issue shift tasks, permits for highly hazardous works; the procedure for documentation of the work results upon completion of the stage.
Appendix 3 to Federal rules and regulations in the area of atomic energy use “Safety rules for decommissioning of nuclear research installations" approved by Order of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service dated 4 April 2017 No. 108
1. The following chapters shall be provided in the IERS program: General provisions; Engineering survey; Radiological survey; Organization of works. 2. The following data shall be specified in the chapter "General provisions": the basis for the IERS program development; purpose and scope of the IERS program; the NRI site scheme (plan) and brief description of the NRI site facilities to be examined; information sources used to develop the IERS program; brief information on the technical characteristics of the NRI and the NRI operation history; basic provisions of the NRI decommissioning concept established in the NRI SAR; information on removal of nuclear materials, radioactive waste, coolant and other working media from the NRI site or their storage places and conditions; information on the current NRI state; causes and consequences of any accidents that have taken place; the specified service life for safety-related systems and components. 3. The chapter "Engineering survey" shall include the following sections: Aims and objectives of the engineering survey; Objects of the engineering survey; Scope of the engineering survey; Methods and means of the engineering survey. 4. It should be specified in the section "Aims and objectives of the engineering survey" that the aim of the NRI engineering survey is to assess technical condition and residual lifetime of the systems important for the NRI safety in the course of the NRI decommissioning and buildings and structures at the NRI sire used in the course of the NRI decommissioning. 5. The list of facilities at the NRI site subject to the engineering survey shall be presented in the section "Objects of the engineering survey", in this case the following shall be specified: buildings and structures planned for operation after completion of the NRI decommissioning works; buildings and structures (including those under construction) planned for usage in the course of the NRI decommissioning works or affecting safety of the works including the NRI building and the RW storage; the NRI systems and equipment planned for usage at all or individual stages of the NRI decommissioning including power, gas, air and water supply systems as well as fire protection systems and hoisting mechanisms; components of systems and equipment planned for dismantling and usage as reusable materials or for final disposal. 6. It should be specified in the section "Scope of the engineering survey" that the engineering survey procedure provides for: review of the construction and installation, design and engineering, operation and any other documentation including the results of the previous NRI surveys; detection of any missing documentation related to the parameters and characteristics of the survey objects; assessment of technical condition for the objects under survey including their outward appearance (presence of any damages and local breakages); assessment of technical condition for the building structures with due regard for ageing of the materials (including corrosion of reinforcement elements and load-bearing capacity loss for reinforced concrete structures); assessment of residual lifetime for buildings, structures, systems and equipment important for safety assurance in the course of the NRI decommissioning. 7. The section "Methods and means of the engineering survey" shall include calculation and instrumental methods as well as the measuring means to be used in order to obtain the information for assessment of the controlled parameters and characteristics of the objects under survey and evaluation of their actual state and residual lifetime. 8. The chapter "Radiological survey" shall include the following sections: Aims and objectives of the radiological survey; Objects of the radiological survey; Radiological survey of the NRI equipment and process rooms; Radiological survey of buildings, structures and the territory; Methods and means of the radiological survey. 9. It should be specified in the section "Aims and objectives of the radiological survey" that the aim of the radiological survey is to obtain detailed information on the radiation situation in the NRI rooms and at the NRI site, contamination of the NRI systems, equipment and building structures with radioactive substances, as well as on the amount, physical state and nuclide composition of radioactive waste accumulated within the NRI operation period. 10. The list and brief description of all systems and components, equipment, buildings and structures subject to radiological survey that have directly contacted with radioactive contamination sources, have been irradiated with neutrons or used for storage of radioactive substances, radioactive waste and nuclear materials shall be presented in the section "Objects of the radiological survey". It should be also specified that the NRI site territory is subject to the radiological survey. 11. It should be specified in the section "Radiological survey of the NRI equipment and process rooms" that the following radiation factors shall be determined in the course of radiological survey of the NRI systems and components: radiation dose rate from the component under survey; localization areas of the ionizing radiation sources; density and radionuclide composition of radioactive contamination of the equipment, surfaces of the floor, walls and ceilings of the process rooms. 12. It should be specified in the section "Radiological survey of buildings, structures and the territory" that direct measuring of radiation parameters of the object under survey, spectrometric and radiometric analyses of samples may be used for radiological survey of buildings, structures and the territory, in this case the following parameters shall be determined: gamma radiation dose rate from the walls, roof, soil, individual structures; gamma radiation dose rate and radioactive contamination value in the rooms of buildings and structures in order to detect the rooms with increased radionuclide contamination level; local radiation sources; nuclide composition of radioactive contamination; radioactive contamination density for accessible surfaces; amounts and radionuclide composition of radioactive waste contained in the storage facilities within the NRI site. 13. Brief description of the calculation and instrumental methods planned for usage in the course of the NRI radiological survey shall be presented in the section "Methods and means of the radiological survey" including: methods for measurement of gamma radiation dose rates in the rooms; methods and plan of the radiation situation measurement in the field; spectrometric and radiochemical methods for determination of radioactive contamination nuclide composition; methods for determination of radioactive contamination density on the wall and equipment surfaces. 14. The following shall be specified in the chapter "Arrangement of the works": stages and sequence of survey for the NRI buildings and structures; the list of the IERS work programs uniting works in a particular room, building or at the NRI site; safety assurance measures for the workers engaged in the IERS. 15. It should be substantiated that the planned surveys will not result in any loss of operability for the NRI systems and equipment and deterioration of the radiation situation at the NRI site. 16. In case the NRI decommissioning is planned to be performed with a long-term delay before commencement of dismantling works at the NRI proposals for the time limits and scope of the repeated NRI IERS shall be provided.
Appendix 4 to Federal rules and regulations in the area of atomic energy use “Safety rules for decommissioning of nuclear research installations" approved by Order of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service dated 4 April 2017 No. 108
I. Structure of the safety analysis report for decommissioning of a nuclear research installation
1. The following chapters shall be provided in the NRI decommissioning SAR: 1.1 Introduction; 1.2 Description of the nuclear research installation and its site; 1.3 Ionizing radiation sources; 1.4 Design documentation for decommissioning of the nuclear research installation; 1.5 Arrangement of works; 1.6 Radiation safety; 1.7 Handling of materials generated in the course of the nuclear research installation decommissioning; 1.8 Accounting and control of radioactive waste; 1.9 Fire protection arrangements; 1.10 Emergency preparedness; 1.11. Physical protection; 1.12 Quality assuarance; 1.13. Methodological approaches and provisions used for safety analysis; 1.14 Safety analysis; 1.15 Design limits and safe operation conditions; 1.16 Final examination of the nuclear research installation site; 1.17 Conclusions.
II. Contents of individual chapters of the safety analysis report for decommissioning of a nuclear research installation
2. The following information on the NRI shall be provided in the chapter "Introduction": name; purpose, type and structural peculiarities of the NRI; territorial location; the reason and aim of the NRI decommissioning; reference to the resolution of the federal executive authority for atomic energy use control on the NRI decommissioning. 3. The selected NRI decommissioning variant shall be specified, and brief description of the NRI end state after completion of all NRI decommissioning works prescribed in the NRI decommissioning program shall be presented. 4. General information on the operating organization and its experience in decommissioning of nuclear facilities as well as information on any organizations engaged in the NRI decommissioning works shall be provided. 5. The list of federal laws, federal rules and regulations in the field of atomic energy use and other legal documents used to develop the NRI decommissioning design documentation and the NRI decommissioning SAR shall be presented.
"Description of the nuclear research installation and its site"
6. The basic parameters and characteristics of the nuclear core, systems, equipment and experimental devices of the NRI subject to dismantling and also building structures, buildings and facilities affecting the NRI decommissioning safety shall be provided in the chapter "Description of the nuclear research installation and its site". 7. The NRI shall be described on the basis of the NRI design, the NRI decommissioning design documentation, the IERS results and with the use of the database. All refurbishments, retrofitting and modifications of the NRI design shall be taken into account. 8. The NRI site plan defined in the design and enabling to assess location of the NRI buildings (rooms) in relation to other buildings (rooms) at the NRI site and the connecting networks and transportation routes shall be provided. Boundaries of the decommissioned NRI site shall be indicated on the plan. 9. Geographical conditions of the NRI location, information on the NRI site location in relation to water bodies and rivers, data on the population distribution density within the NRI location area shall be provided. The general layout plan of the area shall be provided with indication of the following: boundaries of the sanitary-protective area and the supervised area; the nearest populated locations and industrial facilities, buildings of cultural and social purpose, recreation areas, sports facilities; motorways and railways, watercourses located near the NRI site, ports, airports and railway stations; networks, pipelines, industrial and other facilities that can affect safety of the NRI decommissioning works or be affected by these works. 10. Information on the use of land and water resources, for example for agricultural purposes, within the territory adjacent to the NRI site shall be presented. 11. Characteristics of the NRI site location area to be used for assessment of natural and human-induced impacts on safety of the NRI decommissioning works and assessment of the NRI decommissioning on the public and the environment shall be specified. 12. Data on any processes, phenomena and factors of natural and human-induced origin at the NRI site and results of their monitoring within the scope of the parameters included into the design basis of the NRI decommissioning shall be provided. 13. In case any changes of the external impact parameters specified in the NRI design basis are registered in the course of monitoring, consequences of these changes for the NRI decommissioning safety shall be assessed. 14. Results of the actual condition and residual lifetime assessment for the NRI building structures, buildings and facilities as of the survey period and any measures provided in the NRI decommissioning design in order to ensure stability of the building structures under any external impacts at the stages of the NRI decommissioning works shall be presented. 15. It should be specified that protection of systems and components important for safety in the course of the NRI decommissioning against any external impacts is ensured until the NRI represents a radiation hazard source.
16. Duly documented results of the works for removal of nuclear materials from the NRI site shall be provided. 17. In case of any spent nuclear fuel or any other nuclear materials present at the NRI site as per the moment of the NRI decommissioning SAR issuance the following shall be stated: reasons for temporary leaving of spent nuclear fuel or any other nuclear materials at the NRI site; type, state and amount of the remaining spent nuclear fuel or any other nuclear materials; technical and administrative arrangements for nuclear safety assurance; conditions and planned time limits for removal of spent nuclear fuel or any other nuclear materials from the NRI site. 18. Information on absence of any radionuclide sources at the NRI site shall be provided. 19. Information on absence of any coolant and other radioactive media in the NRI process systems shall be provided. 20. Brief description of the storage facilities for the coolant and other NRI working media and the applied safety measures shall be provided, and the planned methods, equipment and time limits for disposal of the coolant and other NRI working media shall be also specified. 21. Information on removal of all fire- and explosion-hazardous and toxic substances not planned for usage in any future works from the NRI rooms and their storage places and conditions shall be specified. 22. The following information shall be provided with due regard for the data specified in the IERS report: results of the radiation source inventory taking at the NRI site, including structural components of the nuclear core as well as experimental devices and process equipment of the NRI with surface radioactive contamination and (or) induced activity; any changes in characteristics of the radiation sources after the IERS shall be taken into account in the above-mentioned information; radiation condition survey results for the NRI site territory, structures, equipment and systems, buildings and rooms in the form of maps including the data on radiation dose rates, levels of surface contamination with radioactive substances and levels of induced activity for structural and protective materials, on radionuclides determining the personnel exposure doses in the course of dismantling works; data on activity, amounts, physical state and radionuclide composition of radioactive substances and radioactive waste at the NRI site; data on the filling degree for any RW storage facilities at the site; any other factors affecting safety of the NRI decommissioning works and reflecting the NRI peculiarities.
"Design documentation for decommissioning of a nuclear research installation"
23. The input data used to develop the design documentation for the NRI decommissioning shall be presented in the chapter "Design documentation for decommissioning of a nuclear research installation". 24. The basic safety principles applied by the NRI decommissioning design documentation developer in selection of the technical solutions aimed to ensure safety of the NRI decommissioning works shall be specified. 27. For the NRI systems, equipment and experimental devices subject to dismantling the preconditions for commencement of their dismantling as well as the peculiarities of the future works shall be specified. 26. The following data shall be stated for the selected NRI decommissioning variant: description of each stage of the NRI decommissioning with indication of the sequence of works for dismantling of systems, equipment, buildings and structures; information on the NRI state subsequent to completion of each NRI decommissioning stage; lists and brief description of the applied techniques for dismantling and fragmentation of equipment, buildings and structures; substantiation of the required labor, material and equipment resources for the NRI decommissioning. 27. The following data shall be specified for each NRI decommissioning stage with due regard for the solved tasks and applied work methods: potential radiation and non-radiation impacts on the personnel in application of the planned work methods; number and qualification of the engaged personnel; required equipment and tools; safety systems for performance of the necessary safety functions in the course of the NRI decommissioning; personal protection equipment for the personnel; time required to perform this type of works; radiological control scope including individual monitoring; expected exposure doses for the personnel. 28. Functional purpose, description and substantiation of the selection of the NRI systems, equipment, buildings and structures to be used in the course of the NRI decommissioning shall be specified, in this case the following systems shall be distinguished: systems important for safety in the course of the NRI decommissioning; systems, equipment, buildings and structures intended for performance of works and safety assurance in the course of the NRI decommissioning and subject to retrofitting; systems, equipment, buildings and structures to be operated up to achievement of the NRI site end state prescribed in the NRI decommissioning design; systems, equipment, buildings and structures that can be dismantled at any stage of the NRI decommissioning; systems, equipment, buildings and structures to be periodically operated in the course of the NRI decommissioning; systems, equipment, buildings and structures subject to dismantling in the course of the NRI decommissioning and having high levels of radioactive contamination and (or) activation and subject to supervision prior to dismantling. 29. Any additional systems and equipment necessary to perform the NRI decommissioning works and provided in the NRI decommissioning design shall be substantiated and described. 30. Classification of the components of systems, equipment, buildings and structures according to their safety, fire protection and seismic resistance shall be provided in their description. 31. Sufficiency of the existing physical barriers on the paths of ionizing radiation and RS propagation, the systems of technical and administrative measures for protection of the physical barriers and maintenance of their efficiency in the course of the NRI decommissioning shall be substantiated.
32. The scheme of the operating organization organizational structure with regard to the NRI decommissioning indicating the names of departments aimed to solve any tasks in relation to the NRI decommissioning, liabilities and responsibility of the officers managing these departments and their main functions shall be provided in the chapter "Arrangement of works". 33. The following factors shall be also reflected: time frames for safety analyses (for example for an individual stage of the NRI decommissioning works or for the entire set of the NRI decommissioning works); uncertainty, reliability and accessibility of the information used as the input data for safety analyses. 34. The list of organizations engaged in performance of particular NRI decommissioning works shall be given, their participation in the NRI decommissioning works shall be substantiated, and supervision over their activities and interaction of the radiation safety services with them shall be described. 35. Information on the training program for the personnel of the operating organization and any other organizations engaged in the NRI decommissioning works shall be provided. 36. Arrangement of special-purpose training in new work practices and safe operation of the equipment used in the NRI decommissioning works shall be described. 37. It should be demonstrated that the personnel training has been performed within the relevant scope as of the current date. 38. Arrangement of maintenance and scheduled preventive repair of the systems and components important for safety in the course of the NRI decommissioning shall be described, the time schedule of maintenance and scheduled preventive repair with indication of the main types and scope of activities shall be presented. 39. The lifetime management program for safety-related systems and components in the course of the NRI decommissioning shall be described. 40. Information on safety culture assurance in the course of the NRI decommissioning shall be provided, and the arrangements aimed to enhance safety culture shall be specified; commitment of the operating organization management to safety culture shall be also confirmed. 41. Information on consideration of potential hazard of the planned works and their possible consequences in development and elaboration of the administrative and technical arrangements for the NRI decommissioning i.e. application of the graded approach to the NRI decommissioning safety analysis shall be provided.
42. It should be substantiated in the chapter "Radiation safety" that the NRI decommissioning will be performed in accordance with the following basic safety assurance principles: non-exceedance of the basic dose limits for the personnel and the public and the norms of RS releases (discharges) regulated by the radiation safety standards; reduction of radiation impact of the NRI decommissioning on the personnel, the public and the environment to the minimum achievable level with due regard for sanitary and hygienic standards and economic and social factors (optimization principle); minimization of the RW amount (volume); prevention of any usage of materials with the RS contamination level exceeding the limits established in the sanitary rules for radiation safety assurance in any economic activities. Technical solutions and administrative arrangements provided in the NRI decommissioning design in order to achieve compliance with the established safety principles shall be presented, and sufficiency of these solutions and arrangements shall be substantiated. 43. The organizational structure of the operating organization department which ensures radiation safety for the personnel in the course of the NRI decommissioning shall be presented; positions of the persons responsible for supervision in the course of radiation-hazardous works, storage of the measuring means, instruments, their calibration and metrological validation shall be specified. 44. Information on the established procedure for individual monitoring and any units and measuring devices used for this purpose shall be provided. 45. Methods for monitoring of volumetric activity of gases and aerosols in the air, configuration and procedure for use of respiratory protection equipment, special-purpose and temporary ventilation systems, air sampling devices, supervision over access to the controlled access area shall be described. 46. Information on the established procedure for radiation monitoring of the personnel with indication of the monitoring methods, the applied equipment and the time limits (frequency) of monitoring shall be provided. 47. Information on radiological control at the NRI site with regard to the following aspects shall be provided: monitoring of ionizing radiation intensity at the workplaces and measuring of surface radiation contamination levels for the equipment, skin and clothes of the personnel, monitoring of the radiation situation inside and outside the buildings (rooms); the established procedure for documenting and storage of the radiological control results. 48. The following information shall be presented with regard to radiological control outside the NRI site: purpose and scope of radiological control; location and description of hardware (stationary and mobile) used for radiological control under normal operation conditions and in case of any accident; control of RS releases (discharges) into the environment and observation over the environment condition at the NRI site and outside it; maximum permissible releases (discharges). 49. It should be demonstrated that the radiological control hardware ensures measurement of the radiation situation parameters from background values to the values corresponding to the most severe radiation accident. 50. Reference shall be given to the established procedure for collection, systematization and storage of data on the personnel exposure doses and radiation contamination of the environment. 51. Data necessary to assess potential environmental impact of the NRI decommissioning shall be presented, in this case the environment observation methods as well as the data on RS releases and discharges to surface and ground water shall be specified. 52. Impact of the NRI decommissioning works on the public and the environment shall be assessed on the basis of the relevant NRI decommissioning design sections including the results of consequence assessment for radionuclide releases and discharges under normal operation of systems and equipment and in case of abnormal operation. 53. The radiation situation under normal operation of the systems and equipment used in the course of the NRI decommissioning shall be assessed through the use of probability distribution of atmospheric dispersion parameters typical for the NRI location area. 54. Information on the radiation situation in case of any abnormal operation of the equipment in the course of the NRI decommissioning shall be specified for the least favorable meteorological conditions typical for the NRI location area. 55. It should be demonstrated that the NRI decommissioning program, any technical and administrative solutions provided in the NRI decommissioning design documentation ensure minimization of exposure doses for the personnel and the public.
"Handling of materials generated in the course of the nuclear research installation decommissioning"
56. Information on the expected amount of waste to be generated due to dismantling and fragmentation of the ionizing radiation sources shall be provided in the chapter "Handling of materials generated in the course of the nuclear research installation decommissioning". 57. Information on radioactive waste and any other hazardous waste as well as materials for restricted and unrestricted use shall be provided. 58. Information on assessment of the volumes and weight of solid and liquid radioactive waste and also on expected time limits for their delivery to the storage facilities shall be presented. For solid radioactive waste the above-mentioned information shall be specified separately for soil, concrete and metal structures. 59. The following information shall be provided with due regard for the criteria used in segregation of waste into industrial waste, materials for restricted and unrestricted use and radioactive waste as well as acceptance criteria for the RW storage, transportation and final disposal: description of measures implemented to minimize volume and weight of waste; information on the planned waste handling methods; characteristics of the waste packages; information on storage of processed and conditioned waste; description of measures for reclamation and final disposal; information confirming agreement of the acceptance criteria for storage or final disposal with the operating organization of the RW storage or disposal facility. 60. Methods and means for the RW conditioning, types of the applied packages, final states of conditioned radioactive waste shall be described. 61. It should be specified that the resulting waste (packed or unpacked) may be stored and withdrawn from storage in a safe manner for the purpose of further transportation for final disposal, and the applied waste packages are compatible with the selected disposal variant. 62. Data on the quantity and physical and mechanical properties of reusable materials generated in the course of the NRI decommissioning shall be specified, and the following information shall be provided: arrangement of the radiological control system for reusable materials enabling to segregate them from radioactive waste and industrial waste; storage facilities for the materials of restricted and unrestricted use; the procedure for release from radiation control of the materials upon their removal from the NRI decommissioning site.
"Accounting and control of radioactive waste"
63. Information on accounting and control of radioactive waste shall be provided including: information on the RW location for temporary storage; information on the amount and characteristics of radioactive waste subject to removal from the NRI site; the established control scope for the state of solid and liquid radioactive waste; description of procedures and instrumentation used for RW accounting and control; the list and forms of accounting and reporting documents; results of the last physical inventory of radioactive waste.
"Fire protection arrangements"
64. Classification of the NRI buildings, rooms, systems and equipment in accordance with their fire safety as well as any potential and permanent sources of fire hazard with indication of their locations and basic characteristics shall be provided in the chapter "Fire protection arrangements". 65. Fire protection measures in the storage areas for decontamination solutions, flammable radioactive waste, graphite and liquid metal coolant (if any are used) as well as in the course of fire-hazardous works during metal cutting for dismantling and fragmentation of the equipment shall be described. 66. Sufficiency of the implemented fire protection arrangements and their compliance with the requirements of the regulations shall be substantiated.
67. The list of provisions and guidelines defining distribution of responsibilities and the course of action for the operating organization management, administration of the NRI and all departments of the operating organization in case of any emergency situation at the NRI site shall be presented in the chapter "Emergency preparedness". 68. The procedure for interaction of the operating organization management with external organizations in mitigation of consequences of any radiation accident and fire at the NRI site, liabilities of the operating organization and the NRI administration for monitoring of the sanitary-protective area and the supervised area and protection of the public in case of any accident during the NRI decommissioning shall be described. 69. The communication means, the existing emergency kit of protection equipment and dosimetric instruments, the warning procedure and any other measures developed by the operating organization in case of any accident as well as the procedure for implementation of the personnel protection plan (guidelines) and the public protection plan in case of any accident during the NRI decommissioning shall be described. 70. It should be demonstrated that the provided administrative and technical arrangements will prevent any exceedance of the established dose limits for the public in case of any potential accidents in the course of the NRI decommissioning.
71. Information on the physical protection personnel, any actions performed by them, administrative and technical arrangements and the applied engineering features and equipment shall be provided in the chapter "Physical protection". The following shall be also specified: the basic principles for arrangement of the NRI physical protection system (hereinafter - the PPS); description of the arrangements and hardware used in the PPS in order to organize authorized access to the protected area and to prevent any unauthorized actions in relation to the PPS, nuclear materials, radioactive substances and radioactive waste; the list of planned arrangements and the PPS modification plan upon transition from one stage of the NRI decommissioning works to another one with due regard for appearance (accumulation) of radioactive waste at the NRI site in the course of the NRI decommissioning works. 72. Information on the documents used as the basis for the NRI PPS development shall be provided. 73. In case of necessity this chapter may be issued as a separate report.
74. Information on the following quality assurance activities in the course of the NRI decommissioning shall be provided in the chapter "Quality assurance": organizational activities of the operating organization for quality assurance in the course of the NRI decommissioning; human resources management; procedure for control of compliance of the performed works with the NRI decommissioning design; documentation management including storage of the design, engineering, process documentation used as the basis for the NRI decommissioning; procedure for quality control with regard to the activities of any organizations performing works and rendering services to the operating organization in the course of the NRI decommissioning.
"Methodological approaches and provisions used for safety analysis"
75. It should be demonstrated in the chapter "Methodological approaches and provisions used for safety analysis" that validated software tools and proven methods have been used in safety analysis for the NRI decommissioning works. In case any non-validated software tools are used it should be demonstrated that their preliminary inspection and verification has been performed in order to confirm their applicability and to assess their accuracy. 76. It should be specified how uncertainties important for safety assurance in the course of the NRI decommissioning works are taken into account.
77. The list of all potential initiating events that may result in disrupting normal conditions of the NRI decommissioning works and cause additional radiation impact on the personnel, the public or the environment shall be presented and analyzed in the chapter "Safety analysis". Events of natural and human-induced origin shall be considered among the initiating events, in this case the internal events shall be analyzed with due regard for human errors. 78. In accordance with the list of initiating events the list of radiation accidents, their development scenarios and assessment of radiological consequences for each accident shall be presented. 79. If the aggregate effective exposure doses are significantly below the numerical values of the established criteria only scenarios resulting in the highest exposure doses shall be considered. 80. In case the expected effective doses for the personnel and the public are close to the safety criteria all scenarios shall be considered in the analysis. 81. The following information shall be provided: feasibility of the established operating conditions for safety-related systems, their inspections and testing; compliance of the existing safety-related systems with the requirements of federal rules and regulations in the field of atomic energy use with due regard for ageing and peculiarities of their operating conditions. 82. Sensitivity of the results of radiation hazard assessment for the NRI decommissioning works to the input data and the applied assumptions shall be analyzed, and in case of necessity the implemented measures for compensation of the input data uncertainty shall be described.
"Design limits and safe operation conditions"
83. The established operation limits, safe operation limits and safe operation conditions for the entire NRI decommissioning period and for each stage of the NRI decommissioning works shall be presented and substantiated in the chapter "Design limits and safe operation conditions". The exposure dose limits, RS release and discharge limits shall be determined with due regard for the limitations established by the radiation safety standards. 84. Design limits for monitoring of the environment at the NRI site and outside it shall be selected in order to ensure absence of any impermissible radiation impact of the NRI decommissioning works on the public. 85. Values of the external impact parameters requiring suspension of the NRI decommissioning works shall be specified. 86. In case of necessity the relevant design limits and safe operation conditions for handling of non-radioactive materials shall be also specified.
"Final examination of the site of the nuclear research installation"
87. Criteria to be used as the basis in order to confirm achievement of the NRI end state prescribed in the NRI decommissioning design documentation subsequent to the results of the performed works shall be specified in the chapter "Final examination of the nuclear research installation site". 88. The list of control measurements in individual rooms, buildings and at the territory aimed to be used in order to substantiate achievement of the NRI end state prescribed in the NRI decommissioning design documentation shall be provided; recommendations for methodological support and permissible error of measurement shall be developed; the procedure for issuance and approval of the measurement protocols shall be described.
89. The following conclusions shall be made in the chapter "Conclusions" subsequent to analysis of the information presented above: on compliance of the NRI decommissioning program and the NRI decommissioning design documentation, the administrative and technical measures for safety assurance in the course of the NRI decommissioning with the requirements of radiation safety regulations; on safety of the NRI decommissioning works in accordance with the established technology (non-exceedance of the permissible exposure dose limits for the workers (personnel) and the public, release and discharge norms); on prevention of any impermissible radiation impact on the personnel, the public and the environment.